1st day of Colegio

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My daughter doesn’t go to daycare. She goes to COLEGIO!

DSC_0114I’m so glad I got to join her in the classroom for the first week so she could get adjusted.  Pom is friendly but she doesn’t like it when I leave her by herself somewhere new. When we first went in the classroom she loved all the toys. But every time she sensed that I was going to leave her, she would start crying and run to me and hug my leg.  Oh how that melted my heart!  I love her so much and want to spend a lot of time with her but I know this will be good for the both of us.  Plus, I’m happy that she will learn a lot, explore, play, make friends, and speak Spanish!

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Day 2


She is scared of the teachers and runs toward me…



“Mommy… don’t leave me here. I want to be with you.”