Baby I is 3 Months!

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A few weeks ago, I took photos of Baby I and her family. When we entered the house, she just began to wake up and I thought to myself, “HOWWW PRECIOUS.. she’s so tinyyyy!”  I picked her up and she was so light and fragile. I was a bit scared to hold her, even though I have a baby too! I really can’t believe it was just 6 months ago since my own daughter was just as light and fragile as little Baby I! Oh how time flies and how quickly babies change!

Hope you enjoy these photos! Baby I’s parents said she pushed up the highest she has ever pushed during the photoshoot… yay! Good for Baby I! Overall Baby I was such a good baby and trooper during the photoshoot… near the end she started getting cranky, but I love photos of babies that cry (don’t judge me! They are just so cute when they cry) so I kept snapping away 🙂






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